Explore the globe with the assurance that your freedom remains untouched, courtesy of ICV Cards.

All individuals deserve equal treatment, particularly in matters of travel. Yet, visitors from one country may face differential treatment compared to those from others.

In numerous instances, citizens from ‘third-world countries’ seeking to visit ‘first-world countries’ encounter travel restrictions, bans, or denials of entry, often based on biases, misinformation, stereotyping, and ignorance.

Occasionally, travelers with exceptional educations and prestigious positions in their ‘third-world countries,’ along with substantial financial means and no plans to stay abroad, find themselves unjustly treated as potential refugees or face missed business prospects.

SENETRY Health Intel & Global Access Card


The ICV™ Biometric Card system, short for Interoperable Card Verification, offers a comprehensive turnkey solution vital for government departments requiring identity verification and validation. Both flexible and scalable, its hardware and software components are adaptable for various applications including immigration, border security, and access control.

When deployed for immigration control, the system can effectively log all entries and exits of foreign travelers at borders, consolidating data onto a single platform. Leveraging patented technology, it offers a superior solution compared to existing standards.

The World's First Cross-Border Card

The ICV™ Biometric Card enhances travel security by facilitating ID authentication and validating pre-vetted foreign travelers. This helps alleviate the backlog of visitors awaiting processing for entry and exit at airports, borders, or other points of entry.

Ready for Custom Agent

The ICV™ Biometric Card streamlines the pre-screening of foreign travelers' identity requirements, including biometrics, before travel and arrival at their destination. This efficiency can notably decrease workloads, streamline operations, and conserve costs and resources for allocation to higher-risk priorities.

The patented technology of the ICV™ Biometric Card enhances the processing of visitor visas and expedites entry and exit procedures at airports and borders, facilitating seamless information sharing within an international travel database.


  • The ICV™ system is designed to be adopted as a universal immigration and visa control tool that provides the standard for temporary identification of travelers from around the world
  • Each visitor’s passport and visa information can be loaded onto the card upon entry into the country. The card can also store medical or other records as required
  • The ICV™ card is a uniform, automated, secure, biometric technology solution to be used by government agencies and authorized institutions to accurately identify visitors entering and exiting the country on temporary visas
  • The system is comprised of three main components:


  • Allows officials to activate, view, store and retrieve the ICV™ cardholders’ photo and other key information (passport, visa, etc.)
  • Data encrypted with up to AES 256-bit encryption
  • Can store 10 fingerprints and a range of records (passport & visa information, medical records, student information, etc.)
  • Designed with an additional fingerprint security feature to prevent information from being accessed until authorised
  • Docking station for card works with standard computers to retrieve or update the visitor’s profile
  • CV™ software permits activation and remote deactivation of the cardholders’ account information
  • Displays alerts for expired or revoked ICV™ cards intended to be interoperable with government and other authorized databases for record processing and verification
  • Generates custom reports and statistics about the ICV™ cardholder, whether used for business transactions or other identification purposes
  • The card can be reused since information and fingerprints can be erased once visitor leaves the country


  • Provides an automated system of tracking entries into and exits from the country
  • Verifies identity, visa validity and duration of stay
  • Data transfer to and from the government’s centralized database is simplified
  • Cards can be produced at minimal cost
  • Verification of visitors’ identities speeds up clearance
  • Easily integrated for use with systems in place


  • Small, convenient, easy to carry
  • Helps minimize the number of documents required for travel
  • State-of-the-art security features protect against unauthorized access to personal information
  • Visitors can feel safer knowing that their documents and identity are safe and secure
  • Information is discreetly managed


  • Helps expedite business transactions while complying with government regulations
  • Automated process improves productivity and accuracy of record keeping
  • EXIT™ Security Kiosk improves security with ID authentication and validation.